Test Innovative Educational Model – Lodz University of Technology Summer School

organized and hosted by the Lodz University of Technology / POLITECHNIKA LODZKA / POLAND

Summer School

"Test Innovative Educational Model"

Organizations are increasingly interested in promoting transformational change for green and digital transition. As a result, Erasmus+ project partners are inviting students to apply for a (5-day) intensive study program. This program allows students to benefit from the synergies created through cross-disciplinary transfers among thematic modules, as well as through examples and case studies that focus on environmental concerns. 

date: 24 – 28 June 2024

city: Lodz country: Poland

What 1st Summer School is all about? 

  • Mutual learning experiences grounded on real-life examples and innovation concerning sustainable patterns & greening business. 
  • Experience sharing between five cultures (Romania, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria) and international environment nourished with good practice exchanges between students, teachers, and trainers from project partners. 
  • Covers main topics of Gren Jobs, Green-Market, Green Business, innovation, and enabling improved forms of cooperation among education, training and business. 
  • Thematic sessions and practical lessons concerning:  
  • Module 1: Green Employment and Enterprises 
  • Module 2: Environmental and Green Market Opportunities 
  • Module 3: Sustainable Patterns & Greening Business 

What are the benefits for the partcipants?

  • Improve the capacity to think across boundaries of disciplines, making connections and understanding how Green Business could be developed.  
  • Facilitates the deepening of knowledge for the transition to the green and digital economy. 
  • Enabling improved forms of cooperation among education, training and business 
  • Exposure to multicultural knowledge, exchange of experience in the environmental field, decent jobs and environmental responsibility. 
  • Acquiring responsible behaviour and understanding of challenges of environmental responsibility and greening jobs & enterprises 
  • Earned Participation Certificates from Erasmus+ project educate4green. 

Participants: teachers, students and trainers from:

  • POLITEHNICA Bucharest (Romania);  
  • INFOR ELEA Academy (Italy);  
  • Lodz University of Technology / POLITECHNIKA LODZKA (Poland) 
  • UNIVERSITY OF RUSE “Angel Kanchev” (Bulgaria) 

How to apply
The interested participants shall communicate and send their CV to the local partners:

Partner Project Manager: [email protected]

  • The deadline for completing the Registration Form and CV is the 30th of May 2024. 
  • The selection criteria:  learning performance, English language, motivation, seriousness, proactive attitude, teamwork and adaptability in multicultural settings, and willingness to share experience.  

What is expected from the selected students? 

  • To have good communication skills in English (at least B2 level) 
  • To have basic computer skills 
  • To take part in all learning activities as per the event agenda 
  • To be eager to share experiences in a multicultural environment. 

Where does the 1st Summer School take place? 

Lodz University of Technology / POLITECHNIKA LODZKA (Poland) 

Location: Politechnika Łódzka, Al. Politechniki 8, 92-403 Łódź, Kampus B, budynek B9, pok. 12a